The D11 Fact Sheet

There is much disinformation and misinformation circulating around the School District 11 community. Much of this misinformation is being spread by those who are intent on maintaining the status quo. This blog will set the record straight and it will educate the public on the identities of these defenders of the status quo.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Unintended Consequences

It is well known that the Colorado Springs Education Association (CSEA) teacher's labor union leaders are nothing more than paid advocates for the Democrat Party. They routinely use school time and public resources to push their radical leftist ideology on other staff members and students.

The head labor union organizer at one of D11's middle schools, specifically Jenkins, was openly cheerleading during school hours for the recent healthcare takeover by the current group of radicals in Washington, DC. She was giddy with excitement over the fact that she would soon be able to add her 26 year-old son on her publicly funded healthcare policy. This labor union thug never considered advising her son to actually go out and get a job so that he could potentially purchase his own health insurance. Why work when it is easier to allow productive Americans to pay your bills.

The day this healthcare bill was signed into law was supposed to be a big day for the labor union leader, but her joy would be short lived. A fellow teacher called the D11 Human Resource office to inquire about adding a 26 year-old "child" to the teacher's D11 healthcare policy. Sadly, the teacher was informed that the 26 year-old "child" was not eligible to be added to the policy. Since no one had ever read any of the versions of the healthcare bills, the labor union lackeys were blindly campaigning for a bill that would EXCLUDE labor union negotiated healthcare policies from the requirement to add "children" up to 26 years of age to the policy. Rather than becoming the school hero for advocating for this healthcare takeover, the Jenkins union leader became the skunk of the school for negotiating a contract that kept the labor union members from enjoying the welfare handouts that non-union members are now eligible to receive.

I have asked this question before: with such incompetent and corrupt "leadership" in the CSEA, what are teachers really getting for their $650 plus annual dues?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The teacher Association reps have been more vocal and rather cocky since Obama was elected. I'm not sure why. With all of the damage the Democrats have done to the economy, that ends up hurting school finances, which ends up hurting teacher pay in the long run. There is certainly no long term thinking among Association leadership. They have always been rather reactionary.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you show up to find out whose pizza the undersecretary be eating?

D11 Good Food Project's Facebook Notes
Friday, May 07, 2010, 9:16:45 PM

USDA Deputy Undersecretary Comes to Lunch in School District 11
Friday, May 07, 2010, 9:16:45 PM | D11 Good Food Project
Next week on May 12, we have Dr. Janie Thornton, Deputy Undersecretary of Agriculture coming to D11 for school lunch at McAuliffe Elementary School. The lunch menu will feature fresh, locally grown asparagus and whole wheat pizza among other selections for our visitors and of course McAuliffe Elementary students. We tested some asparagus today in the office and it was REALLY GOOD! After lunch with kiddos that day, I get 30 minutes to present the D11 Good Food Project to the Deputy Undersecretary and a few guests. We will then have a "Healthy Schools" roundtable discussion with stakeholders from all over Colorado. Local food producers/farmers (Mike Callicrate of Ranch Foods Direct and Dan Hobbs of Hobbs Family Farm) will join the discussion along with D11 Superintendent Nicholas Gledich and others from the Colorado Department of Education, USDA, and other School Food & Nutrition Services Directors from the great state of Colorado . Sounds really FUN! Be well, Rick

9:48 PM  

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