The D11 Fact Sheet

There is much disinformation and misinformation circulating around the School District 11 community. Much of this misinformation is being spread by those who are intent on maintaining the status quo. This blog will set the record straight and it will educate the public on the identities of these defenders of the status quo.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

More on Tanner's pizza shenanigans

As a follow up to the Jan Tanner pizza dealings, a reader pointed out that Tanner used campaign funds from her 2009 board run to pay a profit to her Cheezer’s Pizza business. She paid off a $488 pizza donation with over $760 in campaign contributions. The link to the Secretary of State web site which contains this campaign contribution information is here:

This is obviously a small amount in comparison to the $160,000 that Tanner made off of D11 last year, but it shows that she is making a continuous living off of D11 tax payer dollars. Take note that while in Gazette articles about this issue, Tanner keeps referring to Cheezer’s as “my husband’s business.” On the SOS site, she correctly identifies Cheezer’s as her employer.
As the reader also notes, it is no coincidence that former D11 procurement guru John Elliot’s wife, Linda, was Tanner’s campaign manager during this time when Tanner gave her company a little profit from campaign funds.

More to come in response to the Gazette article on Tanner’s pizza deals.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tanner should resign immediately. Cleaning up corrupt government should begin right here at home. Out with her!

8:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Craig, that link was for the 2007 election. Only folks running this time are Delia Armstrong-Busby, Al Loma, Chyrese Exline, LuAnn Long, and Sandra Mann.

Do you think the D11 BOE will step up to the plate and doing something about Tanner?

I don't think the Superintendent can do anything about elected officials because he only has supervision/control of his staff. That said, I am interested in what Dr. Gledich would do in response to possible D11 staff inproprieties.

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Staff inproprities? Like what?????

You folks are certainly equal opportunity mudslingers.

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hard to say anything inappropriate has occured when we really don't know what has happened. Documents can be backdated, memories "refreshed", if the cabal decides she's clean, she's clean. It's only when they disagree with ideology that anything is identified as inappropriate, something that cost us close to a quarter million dollars a couple of years ago. Remember who was at the front of that mess? Yep, Tanner and crew. Also remember that when the status quoers wanted to publicly humiliate reform minded board members, it was all done on stage. Not only televised, physical attendance to heckle was encouraged in the halls of our public school buildings. Why, the local association was known to take member attendance and reward those who hissed the loudest. Where the heck are these "defenders of public education" today? Taking a pass, Tanner's one of them.

11:02 AM  

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