It's all about the Power
I have documented the power and corruption of the Colorado Springs Education Association (CSEA) in this blog many times. As I have pointed out, the labor union has a literal death grip over the weak administrators and board of education members who are the public face of the school district.
Despite the fact that the CSEA and its national master, the NEA, have formed an operational alliance with the Teamsters Union, local CSEA labor union operatives still attempt to push the notion that the CSEA is not really a union, but rather a “professional organization.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
Labor unions rule by force, and the CSEA labor union uses representatives in each school building to enforce teacher and administrator compliance with labor union rules and to spread labor union propaganda. Most of the rules, as I have shown in this blog, are designed to prevent teachers from working too hard and raising the “unfair” expectation that other teachers might have to work equally as hard.
A man named Bob Chanin is retiring as General Counsel of the NEA. He is a mafia-like figure who prides himself in the untold damage he has done to the US public education system. His most valiant efforts have revolved around preventing tax paying parents from having any say in the education that is delivered to their children.
Chanin made his final address to this summer’s NEA conventioneers. In this speech, to raucous applause from the assembled labor union foot soldiers, Chanin said this: “When all is said and done, NEA and its affiliates must never lose sight of the fact that they are unions, and what unions do first and foremost is represent their members.” Yes, unions, not professional organizations.
That is not all Chanin had to say that evening. For those parents and teachers who do not subscribe to the Marxist ideology espoused by the labor union, this is what Chanin thinks of you: “We are not paranoid, someone really is after us. Why are these conservative and right-wing bastards picking on NEA and its affiliates? I will tell you why: it is the price we pay for success."
Do Chanin’s views fall outside of the average NEA member? Not hardly. Back in 1996, the labor union issued a handbook that said, with regards to the “radical right-wing:” “They won't go away. No matter how bizarre we believe their beliefs to be, no matter how illogical and inconsistent their goals appear, and no matter how often we reassure ourselves that 'this too, shall pass,' the political, social, and religious forces that make up the radical right in contemporary American society will not go away."
Yes, just go away, you conservative parents and teachers – just go away. But wait, before you shut your mouths, teachers, just do the union a favor and keep your wallets wide open. Continue to give the labor union your dues and pretend that you are not responsible for funding this radical organization that is one of the largest forces that is destroying this country’s schools. What makes Chanin proud? This: “And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues each year." With these millions in dues, surely the labor union must care about your kids, right? Not according to Chanin. Your kids are not the priority. According to Chanin, this is what makes the union effective: “not because of our creative ideas, it is not because of the merit of our positions; it is not because we care about children, and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power."
Just as I have said all along – it was never about your kids; it was always about power. If you have been frustrated about why your teachers are not responsive to you, it is because they are required to answer to a higher purpose, and that purpose is to provide funding and labor to the NEA. All of D11’s labor union members willingly place the labor union’s priorities well above those of you and your children. If you doubt this, ask yourself when it was that you have ever heard a teacher speak out openly against this radical and harmful labor union.
For those parents who care about your child’s education, and for those who do not believe that the future of this country looks brightest under a socialist cloud, join the thousands of other parents in this city who have chosen to take their kids elsewhere to receive a quality education. Stop funding this radical labor union.
Despite the fact that the CSEA and its national master, the NEA, have formed an operational alliance with the Teamsters Union, local CSEA labor union operatives still attempt to push the notion that the CSEA is not really a union, but rather a “professional organization.” Nothing could be further from the truth.
Labor unions rule by force, and the CSEA labor union uses representatives in each school building to enforce teacher and administrator compliance with labor union rules and to spread labor union propaganda. Most of the rules, as I have shown in this blog, are designed to prevent teachers from working too hard and raising the “unfair” expectation that other teachers might have to work equally as hard.
A man named Bob Chanin is retiring as General Counsel of the NEA. He is a mafia-like figure who prides himself in the untold damage he has done to the US public education system. His most valiant efforts have revolved around preventing tax paying parents from having any say in the education that is delivered to their children.
Chanin made his final address to this summer’s NEA conventioneers. In this speech, to raucous applause from the assembled labor union foot soldiers, Chanin said this: “When all is said and done, NEA and its affiliates must never lose sight of the fact that they are unions, and what unions do first and foremost is represent their members.” Yes, unions, not professional organizations.
That is not all Chanin had to say that evening. For those parents and teachers who do not subscribe to the Marxist ideology espoused by the labor union, this is what Chanin thinks of you: “We are not paranoid, someone really is after us. Why are these conservative and right-wing bastards picking on NEA and its affiliates? I will tell you why: it is the price we pay for success."
Do Chanin’s views fall outside of the average NEA member? Not hardly. Back in 1996, the labor union issued a handbook that said, with regards to the “radical right-wing:” “They won't go away. No matter how bizarre we believe their beliefs to be, no matter how illogical and inconsistent their goals appear, and no matter how often we reassure ourselves that 'this too, shall pass,' the political, social, and religious forces that make up the radical right in contemporary American society will not go away."
Yes, just go away, you conservative parents and teachers – just go away. But wait, before you shut your mouths, teachers, just do the union a favor and keep your wallets wide open. Continue to give the labor union your dues and pretend that you are not responsible for funding this radical organization that is one of the largest forces that is destroying this country’s schools. What makes Chanin proud? This: “And we have power because there are more than 3.2 million people who are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues each year." With these millions in dues, surely the labor union must care about your kids, right? Not according to Chanin. Your kids are not the priority. According to Chanin, this is what makes the union effective: “not because of our creative ideas, it is not because of the merit of our positions; it is not because we care about children, and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child. NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power."
Just as I have said all along – it was never about your kids; it was always about power. If you have been frustrated about why your teachers are not responsive to you, it is because they are required to answer to a higher purpose, and that purpose is to provide funding and labor to the NEA. All of D11’s labor union members willingly place the labor union’s priorities well above those of you and your children. If you doubt this, ask yourself when it was that you have ever heard a teacher speak out openly against this radical and harmful labor union.
For those parents who care about your child’s education, and for those who do not believe that the future of this country looks brightest under a socialist cloud, join the thousands of other parents in this city who have chosen to take their kids elsewhere to receive a quality education. Stop funding this radical labor union.
Craig: It's good to see you back writing on school issues. Your voice has been missed. No - the union has no interest in improving education for kids. It amazes me that some teachers who aren't half bad teachers will still support the union because the union will "stand up for them." They have lost sight of their mission - to educate kids - in search of some false safety net, i.e., the union. These higher ups are thugs. I wish more teachers would have the courage to just say "NO."
Yes, the labor union will certainly stand up for the teachers as long as the teachers do not cross the union bosses by standing up for the kids. As you are well aware, the union's claim that it is some sort of safety net is laughable. Rather than a safety net, it is more akin to a leash around the neck.
Craig, there are several sad things about the union. Yes, indeed, they are linked with other unions and the Democrat party. I don't think anyone can serve two masters. In this case, CSEA "serves" their membership, other unions, and the Democrat party. Because of this, the CSEA cannot represent their teacher members well. Some teachers are conservative, not liberal. Teachers who don't subscribe wholly to the CSEA/Union/Democrat ideas obviously will not be represented. A more telling fact is that new teachers are bearing the burden of classes and students who need additional help. Common sense would say that the more experienced teachers should take on the most difficult classes and schedules while the inexperienced teachers are learning. Based purely on seniority and continuing education courses, the more experienced teachers get paid a higher salary - for doing less work ! The junior teacher works harder and longer and gets paid less. How is CSEA helping the situation? NOT.
I would like to think that teaching our children is a "calling." Some would say that teachers salaries prove that idea. However, now I'm hearing talk of "performance pay." I do not understand why someone should be paid extra just to do their job. When the district was offered a scholarship program for their students by competing in contests, teachers came back to the sponsoring organization and asked 'what's in it for the teachers?' I am disgusted with such great care for self and such lack of care for the students.
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