In with the Old
After a very brief attempt at pretending that they were responsible citizens, the D11 labor union members have turned back to their true colors by giving the reigns of their private organization back to those who supported ex-president Irma Valerio's theft of over $1,000 from the district coffers.
Last year, after labor union members ousted Valerio for her theft from the public and from the union itself, they elected labor union board members who claimed that they would put an end to that type of activity. They claimed that they were going to clean up the labor union. Keep in mind, this union is in partnership with the AFL-CIO, so if anyone believed that the union would chart a course away from its Teamster ways, that belief was certainly short lived.
After this year's vote for new labor union bosses, in came the old and out went the new. The labor union is run, once again, by those who remained loyal to Valerio and her ways. After all, there is money to be made off of the public coffers; why turn that spigot off? In addition to apparently being OK with felony levels of theft, this new-old group of leaders is much cozier with the administration than was the last leadership team, meaning once again that the administration will get no heat at all from the union over the lack of leadership being provided by Terry Bishop and his buddies on El Paso Street.
Why, again, is the D11 student population declining?
Last year, after labor union members ousted Valerio for her theft from the public and from the union itself, they elected labor union board members who claimed that they would put an end to that type of activity. They claimed that they were going to clean up the labor union. Keep in mind, this union is in partnership with the AFL-CIO, so if anyone believed that the union would chart a course away from its Teamster ways, that belief was certainly short lived.
After this year's vote for new labor union bosses, in came the old and out went the new. The labor union is run, once again, by those who remained loyal to Valerio and her ways. After all, there is money to be made off of the public coffers; why turn that spigot off? In addition to apparently being OK with felony levels of theft, this new-old group of leaders is much cozier with the administration than was the last leadership team, meaning once again that the administration will get no heat at all from the union over the lack of leadership being provided by Terry Bishop and his buddies on El Paso Street.
Why, again, is the D11 student population declining?