In their own words
Many School District 11 teachers join the local labor union for purposes of obtaining the liability protection offered by the labor union. These teachers do not necessarily agree with the extreme leftist views of the labor union leadership, and many are not happy that their local dues pay for left-wing causes across the country. Up to this point, these teachers have not had other options available to them for this liability insurance. The labor union charges teachers over $700 per year for labor union dues.
Eric Christen sent an email to D11 teachers that contained information on a relatively new organization that provides liability protection for teachers at a much lower cost than the labor union. This new organization does not send money to either left-wing or right-wing causes. It costs only $180 per year to join the Professional Association of Colorado Educators (PACE). As its name suggests, PACE is a professional organization, not a labor union like the NEA and its local affiliate, the CSEA. PACE exists to help teachers with issues of education, while the CSEA exists to help left wing causes around the country.
This is the email that was sent to D11 teachers. It was a public service announcement for those who want to belong to a professional organization for a change:
With modern teacher unions concerning themselves with everything but educating children and protecting their member interests (see attached) you need to know there are some professional organizations that actually focus on the teacher.
If you have had enough of the corruption: article.html/valerio_board.html
and politics:
then you need to check out these options:
While "choice" is a noun that is verboten in the educational realm by the NEA, CEA, or CSEA, it is indeed healthy for its members.
Good luck.
If you have received this e-mail in error or would like to be removed from receiving future emails, please immediately contact the sender by reply e-mail.
Below are some of the replies that were sent to Eric from D11 teachers - you know, those same teachers who abhor mean-spiritedness and nastiness.
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 4:08 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Don't EVER send me another e-mail!!!!!!!!
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:47 AM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Under no circumstances are you to email me again-please take me off your email list, having my professional email is inappropriate and you know it—Kathryn Rachwitz
(Craig: Hey Kathy, you are a public school teacher. You work for the public. Your email is public. By the way, your private labor union uses the public D11 email system all the time to spread propaganda).
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 1:34 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
This is an unwanted form of solicitation. As a former school board member you protested against political use of the e-mail system. Why do you use the system when it serves your purposes? Please don’t waste our time with your nonsense.
Polly Yoblonski
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children".
"Let us put our minds together and see what kind of life we can make for our children".
From: HAAS, CLAIRE E.S. []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 12:54 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
It is highly unprofessional to use my school email address without my permission. I associate you and everything you stand for with the continued problems we are having in our public schools. If you are suggesting an alternative organization I can only guess that the purpose of that organization is to hurt teachers and students. Take me off of your email list for I only associate with those who want what is best for students and the people who work so hard to support them.
Claire Haas
(Craig: Her labor union has had a death grip on D11 for over 30 years and she blames Eric for the problems that face the district. She never mentions exactly who in the labor union leadership has ever worked hard for kids and had the results to prove it. Oh well, at least she wrote "sincerely").
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 12:34 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
I am insulted that you and your followers believe that we do not care about educating children. I supported your recall and am pleased that since your removal the District 11 Board meetings have not had the pathetic soap opera quality that they did while you were continuing petty arguments with other board members. I do not respect your opinions or value them as they are badly misguided. Please remove me from this mailing list, you have wasted enough of the district’s time already.
Richard Bragg
Science Department
Wasson High School
(Craig: You betcha, Rich, those school board meetings are really something to see these days. I'll bet you can't name one thing that your board has done to improve education while they are busy playing nice with each other).
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 12:25 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
I am greatly disturbed that you would send this unsolicited information to myself and other District 11 employees. I am highly offended by this email and deeply concerned by your obsession with District 11, it’s teachers (who you continue to treat as though they are idiots), and CSEA. I hope that one day you can let go of the past and move on so that you and your family can be at peace without turmoil. Please take me off of your mailing list permanently.
Johnny Yates
(Craig: Note that Johnny couldn't reply without CCing his labor union bosses. Why is the NEA so obsessed with D11?)
On the flip side, there are plenty of teachers who are not happy with their highly political labor union. Keeping in mind that the labor union has literally combined with the AFL-CIO and uses the same thug-type tactics, I will not print the names of those teachers who spoke positively of PACE or negatively of the CSEA. These teachers would be targeted for harassment by labor union leaders and the administration.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Thank you for sending this. I already belong to PACE and find its conservative viewpoints and monthly newsletter very informative. I highly recommend it to anyone. It also carries a $2 million insurance package. I also want to thank you for allowing me to dis-enroll from CSEA without having to fill out a dues revocation form every year. That was a Godsend.
I, and many more of my colleagues than you might think, are staunchly Republican. I do not always agree with the Republicans on education, but I do agree that public schools could be doing better. Thanks for your work.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union/Thanks You
Thanks Eric:
I appreciate this. I am not a member of CSEA any longer because of the immoral stands that CEA and NEA have taken. I need to be accountable someday for this decision. I’d rather God’s approval than man’s.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Dear Mr. Christen,
Yes, you are correct these other teacher supporting organizations have a very different agenda. Unfortunately, because of ethics and integrity issues, atypical ( strong, reforming teacher leaders) teachers need stronger support at times, especially if they feel jeopardized for NOT being mediocre and go with the flow. We need an ethical teacher's union here in D11- no doubt. I guess I would like to believe with the recent changes, we are moving in better directions.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
I took time to look at and read the articles. Thank you and keep up the good work! We need it.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Thank you for all you did and tried to do for our kids. While I did not always agree with you, you gave us a needed kick in the butt which is still having an impact.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Please remove me from any future mailing list. Thank you for what you did while on the board and best of luck to you.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
I appreciate you sending me this email. The CSEA is an unhealthy organization and I do not wish to be a part of it any longer.
(Craig: This last one is a classic. Humor works best when it is based on truth. This is hilarious).
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Miss you on the board. We need someone willing to buck the "Amen corner" that is up their now. God in heaven, if there was a brain among the 7 of the little dwarfs we’d be in real trouble.
Eric Christen sent an email to D11 teachers that contained information on a relatively new organization that provides liability protection for teachers at a much lower cost than the labor union. This new organization does not send money to either left-wing or right-wing causes. It costs only $180 per year to join the Professional Association of Colorado Educators (PACE). As its name suggests, PACE is a professional organization, not a labor union like the NEA and its local affiliate, the CSEA. PACE exists to help teachers with issues of education, while the CSEA exists to help left wing causes around the country.
This is the email that was sent to D11 teachers. It was a public service announcement for those who want to belong to a professional organization for a change:
With modern teacher unions concerning themselves with everything but educating children and protecting their member interests (see attached) you need to know there are some professional organizations that actually focus on the teacher.
If you have had enough of the corruption: article.html/valerio_board.html
and politics:
then you need to check out these options:
While "choice" is a noun that is verboten in the educational realm by the NEA, CEA, or CSEA, it is indeed healthy for its members.
Good luck.
If you have received this e-mail in error or would like to be removed from receiving future emails, please immediately contact the sender by reply e-mail.
Below are some of the replies that were sent to Eric from D11 teachers - you know, those same teachers who abhor mean-spiritedness and nastiness.
Sent: Tuesday, October 23, 2007 4:08 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Don't EVER send me another e-mail!!!!!!!!
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 10:47 AM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Under no circumstances are you to email me again-please take me off your email list, having my professional email is inappropriate and you know it—Kathryn Rachwitz
(Craig: Hey Kathy, you are a public school teacher. You work for the public. Your email is public. By the way, your private labor union uses the public D11 email system all the time to spread propaganda).
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 1:34 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
This is an unwanted form of solicitation. As a former school board member you protested against political use of the e-mail system. Why do you use the system when it serves your purposes? Please don’t waste our time with your nonsense.
Polly Yoblonski
"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children".
"Let us put our minds together and see what kind of life we can make for our children".
From: HAAS, CLAIRE E.S. []
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 12:54 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
It is highly unprofessional to use my school email address without my permission. I associate you and everything you stand for with the continued problems we are having in our public schools. If you are suggesting an alternative organization I can only guess that the purpose of that organization is to hurt teachers and students. Take me off of your email list for I only associate with those who want what is best for students and the people who work so hard to support them.
Claire Haas
(Craig: Her labor union has had a death grip on D11 for over 30 years and she blames Eric for the problems that face the district. She never mentions exactly who in the labor union leadership has ever worked hard for kids and had the results to prove it. Oh well, at least she wrote "sincerely").
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 12:34 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
I am insulted that you and your followers believe that we do not care about educating children. I supported your recall and am pleased that since your removal the District 11 Board meetings have not had the pathetic soap opera quality that they did while you were continuing petty arguments with other board members. I do not respect your opinions or value them as they are badly misguided. Please remove me from this mailing list, you have wasted enough of the district’s time already.
Richard Bragg
Science Department
Wasson High School
(Craig: You betcha, Rich, those school board meetings are really something to see these days. I'll bet you can't name one thing that your board has done to improve education while they are busy playing nice with each other).
Sent: Wednesday, October 24, 2007 12:25 PM
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
I am greatly disturbed that you would send this unsolicited information to myself and other District 11 employees. I am highly offended by this email and deeply concerned by your obsession with District 11, it’s teachers (who you continue to treat as though they are idiots), and CSEA. I hope that one day you can let go of the past and move on so that you and your family can be at peace without turmoil. Please take me off of your mailing list permanently.
Johnny Yates
(Craig: Note that Johnny couldn't reply without CCing his labor union bosses. Why is the NEA so obsessed with D11?)
On the flip side, there are plenty of teachers who are not happy with their highly political labor union. Keeping in mind that the labor union has literally combined with the AFL-CIO and uses the same thug-type tactics, I will not print the names of those teachers who spoke positively of PACE or negatively of the CSEA. These teachers would be targeted for harassment by labor union leaders and the administration.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Thank you for sending this. I already belong to PACE and find its conservative viewpoints and monthly newsletter very informative. I highly recommend it to anyone. It also carries a $2 million insurance package. I also want to thank you for allowing me to dis-enroll from CSEA without having to fill out a dues revocation form every year. That was a Godsend.
I, and many more of my colleagues than you might think, are staunchly Republican. I do not always agree with the Republicans on education, but I do agree that public schools could be doing better. Thanks for your work.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union/Thanks You
Thanks Eric:
I appreciate this. I am not a member of CSEA any longer because of the immoral stands that CEA and NEA have taken. I need to be accountable someday for this decision. I’d rather God’s approval than man’s.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Dear Mr. Christen,
Yes, you are correct these other teacher supporting organizations have a very different agenda. Unfortunately, because of ethics and integrity issues, atypical ( strong, reforming teacher leaders) teachers need stronger support at times, especially if they feel jeopardized for NOT being mediocre and go with the flow. We need an ethical teacher's union here in D11- no doubt. I guess I would like to believe with the recent changes, we are moving in better directions.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
I took time to look at and read the articles. Thank you and keep up the good work! We need it.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Thank you for all you did and tried to do for our kids. While I did not always agree with you, you gave us a needed kick in the butt which is still having an impact.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Please remove me from any future mailing list. Thank you for what you did while on the board and best of luck to you.
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
I appreciate you sending me this email. The CSEA is an unhealthy organization and I do not wish to be a part of it any longer.
(Craig: This last one is a classic. Humor works best when it is based on truth. This is hilarious).
To: Eric Christen
Subject: RE: A Healthy Alternative to the Local Teacher Union
Miss you on the board. We need someone willing to buck the "Amen corner" that is up their now. God in heaven, if there was a brain among the 7 of the little dwarfs we’d be in real trouble.