The D11 Fact Sheet

There is much disinformation and misinformation circulating around the School District 11 community. Much of this misinformation is being spread by those who are intent on maintaining the status quo. This blog will set the record straight and it will educate the public on the identities of these defenders of the status quo.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

McNally & Oatman-Gardner now cost D11 OVER $300,000

Remember when Mary Ellen McNally and her side-kick Anne Oatman-Gardner told the community that their personal mission to oust Sandy Shakes and Eric Christen would "only" cost the tax payers $99,000? Remember when people actually believed them?

Remember how this recall is supposedly about the outrageous expenditure of $425,000 to fire incompetent ex-superintendent Sharon Thomas? Remember how it was McNally ally Karen Teja and little known board member Dave Linebaugh who negotiated this money giveaway in the first place?

El Paso County Clerk Bob Balink reported on November 21st that the cost of the recall to the D11 tax payer is now $240,000. This is only the cost to conduct the mail in only election. In addition, the county has expended $32,000 tax payer dollars so far to handle recall issues. An additional tax payer cost was paid to D11 law firm HRO. HRO has never been cheap, and the bill to handle recall issues from that law firm is $42,871, so far.

The grand total with the recall election still 3 weeks away is $314,871. Keep in mind, both Shakes' and Christen's terms of service expired in November 2007. Both board members have publicly declared that they have no intention of seeking re-election.

If recall organizers are really upset about money issues, why are they costing the tax payer nearly the same amount of money to run the recall as the amount of money that their friend Sharon Thomas took with her rather than leave to the students of D11? There is nothing to say that the recall costs have stopped climbing. Chances are, when all is said and done, the recall costs caused by McNally and Oatman-Gardner will be every bit as egregious as the amount of the golden parachute that they supported in the Thomas contract.

As an ex-board member herself, McNally knew the true cost of this special election. As a Democrat party operative, Oatman-Gardner knew, as well. Even worse, Jan Tanner, D11 Treasurer, knew that D11 had a $1.8 million shortfall last year, and that this expense is the last thing that the district needed. Her political aspirations obviously trumped her concern for the students of D11.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weren't we told some time back in summer that this would cost less than a hundred grand?
How about we start placing bets on how close to the golden parachute this final price tag is.
Absolutely sickening, for these sycophants to force us hard working taxpayers to fund this taxpayer funded revenge while our budget is getting tighter and tighter.
And let's beat the edu-elite to the punch and tell the world that they would have everyone believe that the golden parachute Karen Teja orchestrated and the recall orchestrated by Maryellen McNally are the reason we are running in the red.
Hope people pay attention and realize that even without the obscene payout and ridiculous ten month premature vote we would still be approximately 2 million short. And that's without the two new schools doors open.
Maybe it is time to let some folks go, trim the fat, tighten the belt, cut the frills, get rid of the extraneous, all of the above.
That's what we do here at the house when money gets tight, we certainly don't go next door and tell them they have to pay for it because we managed poorly.
Bless you, Mr. Cox, for putting this stuff out there.

2:45 PM  

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