The D11 Fact Sheet

There is much disinformation and misinformation circulating around the School District 11 community. Much of this misinformation is being spread by those who are intent on maintaining the status quo. This blog will set the record straight and it will educate the public on the identities of these defenders of the status quo.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

NEWSFLASH - 100% of Voters Oppose Recall!

Colorado Springs - 100% of voters surveyed in Colorado Springs oppose the recall effort against Eric Christen and Sandy Shakes, according to a survey conducted on November 21st. According to the survey, 100% of voters are furious over the fact that recall organizers Mary Ellen McNally and Anne Oatman-Gardner are spending nearly $300,000 in public funds to advance their liberal agenda. "I'm not going to tell you how many people I surveyed,"said Craig Cox, who conducted the survey. "All I know is that my figures are very strong and I stand by the 100% figure."

If anyone read an article like that, they would conclude that: A) The conductor of the survey is out of his mind; B) The reporter who printed the article is doing a disservice to the public for reporting such warped statistics. How many surveys were returned? 10? 100? 1000? 1900? The numbers matter, and the labor union won't tell.

Is an article like the above really unrealistic? Let's look at an article from the November 21st Colorado Springs Gazette article:

Union backs D-11 recall

The union’s board of directors opted to support the recall efforts against Christen and Shakes after conducting an online survey of its members, said Irma Valerio, president of the Colorado Springs Education Association. She said 95 percent of respondents supported the recall of Christen, and 82 percent backed the ouster of Shakes. Valerio declined to reveal how many union members responded to the survey.

This is typical of the way that labor unions operate. They distort the truth, they hide the truth, they manipulate the public. They certainly enjoy lurking in the shadows and want no public scrutiny at all. This union survey was conducted using the publicly funded D11 email system.

Interestingly, the Gazette did not publish the name of the article's author. To even put an article like this in a daily newspaper shows a certain level of incompetence on the part of the editor involved.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Cox, you are a funny guy! But seriously folks, we DO oppose the recall. Now, there are some things going on that this observer believes DO warrant recall, some I have talked about on these blogs and some that I think should be in the hands of law enforcement.
Even though I think you wrote this from a purely sarcastic point of view, you aren't that far off the mark.
Many, many people in this community are red faced at having signed those petitions, hearing the facts finally come leaking out. Shakes appearance on Baker yesterday shed a lot of light on why she is being recalled.
Too bad she didn't reveal these facts early on, she might have kept this whole fiasco off our taxpaying backs.
Over 300K! I guess my mother was wrong: two wrongs DO make a right. Spending money getting rid of incompetent superintendent is somehow punished by spending same amount removing those who fired her.

Sorry mom.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's the matter? You don't like the statistics? They are what they are. Deal with it.

1:27 PM  
Blogger Craig Cox said...

But what are "they?" I'm sure that the statistics are accurate, whatever that means.

95% of what number? 82% of what number? Who returned surveys? Was it the 13 members of the executive board of the labor union? Was it all 2000 teachers? It makes a huge difference.

No one has argued the validity of the data because we don't know the data.

75% of 100 equals 75.

75% (standing alone) equals what?

1:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and now that Mr. Christen has stated that he will resign, can we get a poll of those people who will some how claim that it was a vast left wing conspiracy that brought Mr. Christen to this decision? Or was it the liberal press - such as the Gazette editorial page? Of course we should poll people to see if Mr. Christen will actually resign - or is this indeed a ploy? Fully 110% of people I polled will believe it when the resignation is official.

4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Anonymous Watson had the numbers, and those numbers were really significant, he'd tell us.
The fact Anonymous claims to validate the percentages reveals his identity, and his motivation.
More important to support the devious doings of the union than let seven people represent themselves in a public forum.
Keep it up, Tom, you're helping us as much as Maryellen "Flipper" McNally!
Even the LULACERs were attacking Rabbit and Tanner last night! Way to go no shows!
The real question for Anonymous Watson is: who got to Irma? Who took her off the remaining neutral position and told her she had to fish or cut bait?
My guess is the old lady really is a witch and threatened to cast a spell that would turn Irma's hair some sort of obviously unnatural color and make her teeth snaggly like A O-G or something. I believe Irma's appearance is second only to the starch quality of her undies and that she would take such a threat very seriously.
C'mon Anonymous Tom, tell us what really happened with the union!

6:41 PM  
Blogger Craig Cox said...


I guess your recall friend Lori Watson will be disappointed if it is true. As she said very courageously, your side has never discussed the issues that matter in this district.

...but prove me wrong. Please tell me what issues Gudvangen, Hasling, and Mann have brought to the table to help teachers, parents, or students.

Internet friendlier - watch yourself. They'll be after you next.

7:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not afraid of any of them - they aren't in front of my kids' classrooms.
And they don't sign my paychecks.
I will continue to tell what truths I know to help this district FINALLY get the real discussions on the table, and as many real people in the room to participate and observe.
The days of the "edu-elite" running it all and only including us when they need to dig deeper into our pockets is obviously over.
That is the real fear the unionites have, that they aren't able to stuff these worms back into the can and pretend that the "pockets of excellence" are enough.
I just hope that when it comes time to vote, people vote with their heads and not their hearts. The emotions felt and displayed since June 11th have been exhausting, for all involved.
And none of it addresses improving the educational product of District 11. It's all about the grown ups and who is going to get what they want.
Such a shame.

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

These poor union hacks live in such a state of denial that it borders on the absurd.

Poor test scores? "All our schools have those, you know, all the ones the unions and staus quo defenders run? So when you compare we are just "average."

Poor graduation rates? "Well my union talking points say look at people by the time they are 50, or was it 25? They have a higher percentage of high school degrees then Japan!"

In other words create a system that by every measure is a failure (a $500 billion taxpayer funded failure) then claim, "Hey, we are just like the rest of them!" Then when one group tries to fix one of them claim that there is nothing to fix because we are no worse than the rest! Incredible logic there from our union friends. One can only imagine if all our corporations were run like Enron then Enron could have said, "Wait we are just like the others! Don't shut us down!"

As for the latest pathetic union talking point re: graduation rates? GEDs are not high school degrees folks. And those high school degrees to start with are not worth the paper they are written on. Again, just because GM produces more cars then Toyota (for now) does not make it a better product. Hello?! Quality is the key here, not quanity, and according to every international test we are piss poor on the quality end of things.

You guys really have to get some new talking points.

6:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As frustrating as the comparitive analysis ploy is, it is effective.

If D-11 administrators (those very same ones that don't live in our district and who privately educate their own children) tell this public that our mils are XXX behind our neighbors; and they tell them over and over and over; and use our taxdollars to fund those messaging vehicles; IT WORKS. People will fall for the muddy water tricks and open their squeaky wallets and let them dip deeper.

Now, answer this question, any of you all-knowing brainiacs who know that it is really us loser parents to shoulder the entire blame of the decline of the American public education system: In what other industry would a million dollar oops go unnoticed, unremarked, unpunished??

The Coronado million dollar woops is just the first to be exposed. Has anyone at least been forced to stand in the corner or write "I will not make a million dollar mistake again" a hundred times? Let alone forfeit bonusing potential, lost a job, had a permanent recording made in a personnel record?

Nope. We're talking public education elite. Public servants, but the very elite.

Generals get relieved of their commands. Quarterbacks get benched. In D-11, business goes on tomorrow and the best we clueless funders of this corrupt system can hope for is that someone caught some good natured ribbing from their coworkers. Oh! And that Pray God, it doesn't happen again!

Woops my butt.

5:16 PM  
Blogger Craig Cox said...

Remember how Sandra Mann, John Gudvangen, and Tami Hasling threw a fit over a $250,000 contract for a consultant to spend a year revamping the very structure of D11? None of them said a word about this million dollar mistake, nor did they complain about the $650,000 being paid to another consultant to tell us that we could complete the fiber optic project on our own. Short attention span from the left side of the board.

11:34 PM  

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