The D11 Fact Sheet

There is much disinformation and misinformation circulating around the School District 11 community. Much of this misinformation is being spread by those who are intent on maintaining the status quo. This blog will set the record straight and it will educate the public on the identities of these defenders of the status quo.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

For the BOE

As a D11 parent and taxpayer, the following advice is for the board, whose members work for me and every other taxpayer.

1. Hold administrators accountable for their jobs and show an interest in improving the district. All of you besides Willie claim that nothing needs to improve, but you are wrong.

2. Make Terry Bishop turn in his performance objectives. John and Tami have failed to enforce the contract so far, showing a continuing lack of leadership. Terry has also failed to give the BOE monthly updates on the progress of the district towards site based management, something that the board instructed him to do.

3. Consider replacing Mary Thurman. The district has failed to meet its academic growth objectives since she was hired. Although she continues to receive bonus pay, the district will not meet NCLB goals by 2014 at its current growth rate.

4. Consider replacing Dora Gonzalez as math chair. The district has continued to have math proficiencies in the 10-20% range in different categories under her watch. She refuses to acknowledge the serious curriculum problems that she has caused, which is having a detrimental impact on the students of this district. The public has made it clear that they want better math curriculum. Dora refuses to listen to that feedback.

5. Totally revamp Human Resources. Dave Schenkel has stated that he does not like technology, and is therefore unwilling to upgrade human resource processes. Additionally, HR receives the same negative findings in the annual external audit year after year. At some point Dave Schenkel needs to be held accountable.

6. Take disciplinary measures against Sandra Mann for participating in Board meetings while intoxicated. District employees have been removed form school grounds for this same reason. If John and Tami want to claim that board member behavior is the main issue with the board, then they need to deal with this problem. Both John and Tami have been aware of this issue for the past year, and as board leaders, both have failed to act on the issue for political reasons. No board member has a right to participate in meetings without having a clear mind as to the business at hand. I tried to get John to deal with this issue in November and he chastised me for even bringing it up.

Board policy BCC is the appropriate policy to use for this disciplinary action with one exception. This matter may not be handled in executive session as it is not covered under the provisions of Colorado Open Meetings Law. HRO attorney Deborah Menkins informed the board by email that public officials did not have the right of executive session for discussions about them . The email was sent during the reprimand proceedings of Eric Christen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will do nothing, a group of mindless pupets that will only do as they are told, they care nothing for children in D11 or community, only political agenda. They will close schools, fire nurses and other staff, and continue to protect the high payed positions, and then blame it all on the reform movement. They have no heart or love for anyone but themselves.
Sign So Sad

7:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

some good New Year's Resolutions here. Too bad they will be ignored by a board operating at a "food good, fire bad" level.

Sandra really is a disgrace as is John for allowing her behavior to continue without question. they deserve each other.

10:39 AM  

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