The D11 Fact Sheet

There is much disinformation and misinformation circulating around the School District 11 community. Much of this misinformation is being spread by those who are intent on maintaining the status quo. This blog will set the record straight and it will educate the public on the identities of these defenders of the status quo.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Nothin' but money

D11 CFO Glenn Gustafson revealed on September 19th that the cost of the recall election that has been called by "Create the Chaos" will now possibly exceed $300,000! Gustafson said that the cost, which Chaos has always told the public would be under $100,000, will be at least $187,000 and as high as $313,000. This is all for an election about two Board members who have already said that they will not be seeking reelection in 2007 anyway. This drain on the classroom funding is all for an election that will be held less than one year prior to another school board election in which another $200,000 will likely have to be spent by D11.

One of the stated reasons for this recall was because ex-superintendent Sharon Thomas was given $411,000 of D11's classroom funds when she was fired for not doing her job. Ironically, Karen Teja, who was a driving force behind the recall, was the main force behind placing the Golden Parachute into Thomas's contract in the first place. Also involved in that egregious contract were ex-D11 Board members Lynn Peterson and Mary Ellen McNally. The same people who cost the D11 taxpayer over $400,000 to remove an ineffective superintendent, will now force the District to pull over $300,000 from the classroom funds to cover the cost of an election that will have to occur again in less than one year. All of this over a personal grudge that McNally has for Sandy Shakes. All of this because Shakes refused to bow to threats from McNally, who informed Shakes that Thomas would be left alone by Shakes "or else."

The taxpayers of D11 have been lied to over and over by Chaos. They have been lied to about the reasons for recalling Shakes and Eric Christen, and they have been lied to about the cost that McNally and her liberal followers will cost to the classrooms of D11.


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